Draw a picture on the board of someone doing something…..think of a suitable present continuous sentence….and ….ask the students to guess your sentence. If they have trouble …..elicit the sentence with clues.
What is she doing ?
She is taking a report out of the filing cabinet for her boss.
Get the students to draw their own picture on a piece of paper and write a sentence about the picture ON THE BACK of the paper. For example the sentence for the picture above might be
“She is taking a report out of the filing cabinet for her boss..”
After the students have drawn the pics they can walk around asking their classmates “What is he/she doing?” . If the student answering
does not give a perfect answer the questioner can follow up with questions like
“What is she taking out of the filing cabinet?” or
“Who is she taking it out for?”.
IMPORTANT: It always adds another dynamic to these short exchange activities if you get the students to exchange their pics after their spoken exchange is completed.
This keeps the exercise endlessly fresh and challenging.