This is an English as a Second Language activity for exploring the language used to talk about food, cooking and restaurants. It also practices general conversation and grammar skills The teacher can model the role-play activity with a student (preferably a good student) using the questions on the worksheet as a guide. Students are then encouraged to complete the the questions with their own words and ideas. The students can then be broken up into pairs or small groups. During the roleplay part of the activity the teacher is free to monitor the students and also participate, having an opportunity to speak to students individually. Click on the image or the link to download the PDF file.
Food, restaurants and cooking home
10 food, eating and restaurant vocabulary and speaking exercises (PDF)
8 hotel vocabulary and speaking skills exercises (PDF)
Great practical examples for non-mother tongue speakers to learn English in a very practical way. I teach Setswana, one of the South African Indegenous langauges or African Languages. Your lessons give me new refreshing ideas to use in teaching Setswana as a 1st and 2nd Language.
Thank you
Thanks you so much. I appreciate any feedback and especially positive feedback!!