
6 Elementary Conversational Expressions and Listening Exercises

Matching elementary and common conversational expressions and phrases  to pictures is a great way of teaching students by giving visual context to language and vocabulary. Audio files are now being added to provide context and useful listening practice .

1 Elementary expressions for going out & socializing (with answers and audio)

This is another listening and vocabulary worksheet focusing on language used when people go out shopping and socializing. The instructions are the same as the exercise above.

Speaking expressions exercise and worksheet for going out shopping and socializing.

Going out and socializing (PDF)

(YouTube video)

Elementary expressions for going out & socializing

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2 Elementary  greeting, introductions and common expressions  listening and vocabulary exercise (with answers and audio)

This is a great exercise for a really elementary class. It’s a listening and vocabulary  activity.  First, the students listen to the audio and write the correct letter on each picture. They audio should be played in a repeated loop until the students get  a grasp of the task. Then, as a review and to reinforce the vocabulary, the students write the matching expressions below the pictures. Of course, it’s also possible to the vocabulary matching first and the listening second.

Elementary expressions, language and vocabulary pictures matching exercise

(Conversational expressions PDF)

Elementary  greeting, introductions and common expressions 

3 Another  elementary  greeting introductions listening/speaking and vocabulary exercise (with answers and audio)

greeting-introductions-listening/speaking and vocabulary-worksheet

(Greetings/introductions PDF)

Another  elementary  greeting introductions listening

4 Common expressions for everyday socializing/living (with audio and answers)

Another slightly more advanced exercise exploring the language students might encounter in everyday social interactions.

Common socializing expressions for daily living vocabulary/picture matching exercise.

(download PDF)

Common expressions for everyday socializing/everyday living

5 Elementary expressions for eating and talking about food (with audio and answers)

And here is some essential language used when people are eating, talking about food or going to restaurants.  First, listen to the audio and match the items. Then, listen again (and again) and match the vocabulary to the pictures.

Language and speaking activity for using common expressions to talk about food and eating.

(Download PDF)

Elementary expressions for eating and talking about food

9 Super Elementary Speaking Exercises

5 Elementary Create a Conversation Exercises for Speaking Classes

5 Elementary Conversational Expressions Exercises

5 First Day Activities for an ESL Class

10 Really! Elementary ESL classroom icebreakers

7 Essential Speaking Activities for ESL Classes

3 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class

8 Invitation and Request Dialogues for Everyday Scenarios

ESL Listening Activities Guide

 6 More expressions for talking to and about people (with answers)

This exercise focuses a little more on fashion and describing people.

Vocabulary and picture matching exercise for t describing people in everyday situations.

(Download PDF)

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