Students try to complete the invitations conversations using the pictures and the useful vocabulary. Or you use the audio and you can have a listening lesson instead/as well.
Short invitation dialogues (PDF)
(see the YouTube version of this exercise)
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This exercise is a more advanced one than the one above. It aims to expand students’ vocabulary.
Extract from Invitations and excuses
This is a more advanced exercise than the one below. So, it should be used after students understand the basics of making requests.
Movie invitations are fun. Invitations can be practiced using calendars and event schedules.
Students try to write commonly used requests and short conversations that are appropriate for the situations shown in the pictures. And then listen to the conversations to compare and check their answers.
This is a speaking/listening exercise and worksheet for English language learners to practice deciding whether to give commands, advice or make polite requests in a variety of situations shown in the pictures. This exercise can be done as a listening exercise now that I have added audio.
Requests, advice and commands speaking skills (PDF)
8 Preposition Exercises for Location, Time and Movement (PDF)
5 Reported Speech and Indirect Questions Listening/Speaking Exercises
5 Gerunds and Infinitives Exercises
10 Adjectives Exercises Including Adjectives for People and Things
7 Picture-Based Present Continuous Worksheets (PDF)
8 Preposition Exercises for Location, Time and Movement (PDF)
5 Future Tense Vocabulary and Speaking Exercises
5 Useful Passive Tense Practice worksheets
6 Present Perfect Language and Speaking Worksheets
11 Incredibly Useful Past Tense Simple Teaching Activities (PDF)
Listening/Speaking Exercises for Conditionals
This is a grammar exercise and worksheet for English language learners to practice making polite requests in the different ways and different scenarios. Students match the expressions on the left to the pictures and write complete requests with the appropriate request phrase.
ESL Listening Activities Guide
5 Elementary Conversational Expressions Exercises
5 First Day Activities for an ESL Class
10 Really! Elementary ESL classroom icebreakers
7 Essential Speaking Activities for ESL Classes
3 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class
8 Invitation and Request Dialogues for Everyday Scenarios
This elementary exercise focuses on common classroom requests.
This is an hotel dialogues exercise focusing on common conversational exchanges between hotel staff and guests.
Hotel dialogues: making requests (PDF)