
Import/export, logistics and supply chain vocabulary exercises

The language and vocabulary of importing, exporting, logistics and supply chains has often seemed quite boring but these days it is becoming more essential and relevant to understanding the economy and economic issues than in decades. Below are some vocabulary, listening/speaking and reading comprehension exercises to help students of Business English expand their language skills.

30th June 2024

1 Introduction to import/export vocabulary

Here are a couple of matching exercises to help introduce students to import /export vocabulary.

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2 Parts of speech for importing/exporting

This is an exercise exploring the parts of speech and language use when talking about the import/export process.

(download PDF)

Import /export gap fill exercise

3 Logistics discussion questions

Logistics discussion questions is a vocabulary and listening/speaking exercise for Business English students focusing on aspects of logistics.

(download PDF)

Logistics discussion questions and answers

4 Supply chain complaints exercise

This is an exercise exploring common complaints about supply chain issues.

(download PDF)

Supply chain complaints listening

5 Elementary reading comprehension exercise about a day in the life of an importer/exporter.

This is an elementary reading comprehension exercise about a day in the life of an importer/exporter.

(download PDF)

A day in the life of an importer/exporter

6 Elementary supply chain reading

This is an elementary reading comprehension exercise about the supply chain.

(download PDF)

Supply chain process

7 Interview with a supply chain manager

An interview/role play listening/speaking exercise for higher elementary to pre-intermediate students.

(download PDF)

Interview with a supply chain manager

8 Advanced supply chain reading

This is a more advanced and detailed reading comprehension exercises about the supply chain.

(download PDF)

9 Logistics (and shipping) vocabulary worksheet (with audio and answers)

    This business English  ESL  vocabulary and listening exercise aims  to help students understand logistics  and shipping vocabulary. Students match the vocabulary to the pictures and then listening to the audio and write short sentences at the bottom of the page.

Logistics vocabulary and sentence writing exercise

Logistics vocabulary  (PDF)


(video and audio mp4)

(video and audio mp4 YouTube)

ESL Listening Activities Guide

4 Online Shopping Listening/Speaking and Vocabulary Exercises

8 Business English Vocabulary Exercises

10 Super Essential Academic Vocabulary Lessons

5 Kinds of Collocation and Phrasal Verb Exercises

10 Jobs and Careers Vocabulary  and Speaking exercises

4 Money and Finance Worksheets

10 Computing and  Internet Vocabulary and Speaking Activities

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