Socializing and small talk is one of the most important skills language learners have to master. Being communicatively competent in a variety of social situations is essential for any language learner who wants to be fluent in a second language.
4 Common socializing and small talk dialogues exercises
5 elementary conversational expressions exercises
8 invitations and requests dialogue exercises
8 likes, dislikes and other common elementary conversations activities
5 common collocations and phrasal verbs exercises
A collection of socializing dialogs
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Parts of speech-interjections (PDF)
ESL Test Common Phrases and Responses
12 Business socializing worksheets with pictures and answers (PDF)
Business & socializing quiz (PDF)
Cultural differences quiz (PDF)
Common phrases and expressions used by native speakers of English in their everyday speech
Listening exercises for English language classes
9 Super Elementary Speaking Exercises
5 Elementary Create a Conversation Exercises for Speaking Classes
5 Elementary Conversational Expressions Exercises
5 First Day Activities for an ESL Class
10 Really! Elementary ESL classroom icebreakers
7 Essential Speaking Activities for ESL Classes