Opinion and argument writing is a great topic if you have good activities and exercises to develop students’ ideas. Brainstorming and organizing exercises help students generate language and ideas that can be the basis of good opinion/argumentative writing.
This is a discussion and argument essay brainstorm worksheet for controversial topics. Students need to decide whether they are pro or con each issue and support their position with three reasons.
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This is an excellent engaging essay writing lesson. It’s topical, engaging and highly relevant to students’ lives. The lesson includes vocabulary, brainstorming, sentence writing and essay outlining.
Working from home vs working in the office (PDF)
This is an elementary and introductory opinion writing lesson for lower level or beginner students including brainstorming, outlining and paragraph writing.
Elementary opinion writing lesson (PDF)
8 comparison/contrast templates and exercises
10 cause/effect writing activities
3 kinds of exercises for teaching transitions
6 memorable narrative essay writing practice exercises (PDF)
6 delightful descriptive paragraph and essay writing exercises (PDF)
11 essential exercises for elementary writing students (PDF)
9 exercises for writing process essays
This exercise is a great way to get students started on opinion or argument essay writing. It’s a brainstorming worksheet for controversial issues. Students try to fill the worksheet in with appropriate topics, sub-topics and questions about controversial issues.
Brainstorming controversial issues(PDF)
This is a brainstorming template for an argument or opinion essay. Students choose a topic for their essay, write it in the centre of the worksheet and then brainstorm the benefits/disadvantages ..pros/cons …etc.
Brainstorming for an argument essay (PDF)
This is a matching exercise for an opinion essay outline. Students have to match the sentences of an essay about distracted driving on page 2 to the correct parts of the essay outline on page 1. This helps reinforce or review students’ knowledge of essay structure. Answers are provided on page 3 of the PDF file.
Opinion essay outline matching exercise (PDF)
This is an outlining exercise for an opinion essay. Students choose a topic for their essay and then try to plan their essay by filling out the worksheet with ideas and information appropriate to each part of the essay. The first page of the PDF worksheet has an example essay template already filled out for reference.
Opinion essay box outline template/worksheet (PDF)
As above , this is another exercise practicing the outlining of an opinion paragraph. Also, before this exercise, it could be a good idea to brainstorm about uniforms. Click here for brainstorm worksheet
“Uniforms or Casual Clothes” outline worksheet (PDF)
This an exercise for practicing the outlining of an opinion paragraph. Students look at the information already filled in. Then they complete the outline with their own ideas.
Lotteries outline worksheet (PDF)
This worksheet that can be used to help students improve their writing skills and express their opinions about automated and robotic technologies including driverless vehicles, smartphone payments and smart watches.
Writing opinion sentences about automated devices/new technologies (PDF)
This is English language exercise for practicing essay writing. The topic is Students look at the information already filled in. Then they complete the essay with their own ideas.
Autonomous vehicles essay writing practice (PDF)
11 Classroom Debate and Discussion Language and Critical Thinking Activities
8 Dynamic Classroom Brainstorming Techniques
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15 Captivating Computing, Technology and Innovation Vocabulary and Language Exercises
This an argument essay exercise including a brainstorming activity to generate language and vocabulary about the advantages and disadvantages of starting a small business followed by an outlining exercise for an essay on this topic.
Advantages/disadvantages of starting a small business(PDF)