
18 Classroom and Online Debate and Discussion Language and Critical Thinking Activities

Introducing a topic in the classroom can be one of the trickiest tasks for a teacher. Sometimes, it can take a a lot of experience and a lot of practice to get the icebreaker, or warm-up, or introduction to a topic just right. However, when you do get it right, you usually know that you have got it right forever and you can slide right into that topic effortlessly. The right set of vocabulary, the right listening activity, the right set of images,  and/or  the right brainstorming format can help get debate and discussion topics moving and flowing smoothly.

1 Expressing opinions about careers

A vocabulary and discussion exercise for talking about aspects of work and employment.

(download PDF)

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2 Functions of the brain

I think the brain is a great teaching topic. I really look forward to teaching this. There are so many things to talk about. To just see the images, go to @eslflowlessons on Instagram.

(download PDF)

Functions of the brain


Mastering Decision-Making: Practical ESL Language Resources for Real-world Communication

Listening/speaking exercises for the latest technological advances

Medical Sciences Listening/Speaking,Language and Vocabulary Exercises

6 present perfect grammar, speaking and listening Exercises

Icebreaker activities for “Success and failure” and “Taking risks”

Topical reading comprehension exercises

Fears and phobias

Everyone has fears and phobias. So this is a good topic for English language learners. It’s also useful for students to learn the different words used for talking about fears and phobias.


(download PDF)

(see the YouTube video)


(download PDF)

4 Controversial  topics

This is a brainstorming/ listening/ critical thinking discussion worksheet for talking about controversial topics. Students need to decide whether they are pro or con each issue and support their position with three reasons. Then they can listen to the audio and compare answers.

Controversial topics (PDF)

(see the video version on YouTube)

5 Success or failure? (with audio and answers)

I have noticed over the years that students struggle with the words “success” and “failure” and their various forms. They struggle with the pronunciation (hmmm.. “success” vs “succeed” ,“fail” not “fell”! – and “failure” pronounced as “failyer”) and the grammar. But success and failure is a fantastic stand-alone topic for a class. It’s great for brainstorming, discussions and much more.

(download PDF)

6 Taking risks (with audio and answers)

The pronunciation of the word “risk” is another word that many English as a Second Language students find difficult to pronounce. They have trouble with the ending sounds and also the past tense form (“risked” pronounced as “riskt”). But like success and failure it’s a fantastic stand-alone classroom discussion topic. In fact, these two topics are really quite complementary. They are ways we talk about work and living.

(download PDF)

Taking risks

7 Advantages/disadvantages of watching TV (with audio and script)

Students look at the pictures or use their own ideas to list the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV. Then they can listen to the audio and add to their answers.

Advantages/disadvantages of watching TV (PDF)

9 Working from home vocabulary and brainstorm

“Working from home” is a great topic for English language classes. In the current circumstances nearly everyone has some experience of working from home. So it’s a great discussion topic, and it could also used for classes involving giving opinions, making comparisons (home vs office), teaching argumentative writing or discussing technological change. It also has its own  fairly specific set of vocabulary.

Working from home (PDF)

Working from home

   10 Global issues vocabulary (with answers)

  This is an  English  language  exercise  introducing and exploring the language and vocabulary of global issues. Students try to match the vocabulary with the appropriate pictures. They then rank the issues1-10 in order of  importance.

Global issues (PDF)

11 Brainstorming offline learning vs online learning (with answers)

  This is an exercise for discussing the advantages/disadvantages of  online learning and offline learning . Students look at the pictures and then try to write down as  many ideas as they can on the second page of the PDF.

Online vs offline learning (PDF)

12 Advantages/disadvantages of living in the city

Students look at the pictures or use their own ideas to list the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city.

Advantages/disadvantages of living in the city (PDF)

13 Advantages/disadvantages of studying abroad (with answers)

Students look at the pictures or use their own ideas to list the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

Advantages/disadvantages of studying abroad (PDF)

14 Globalization vocabulary and questions

Globalization is a topic for a more worldly class capable of talking about some complex issues. This probably won’t suit everyone but for the right class it might be a good icebreaker and intro into a really interesting topic.

Globalization vocabulary and questions (PDF)

15 Advantages/disadvantages of globalization (with answers)

  Students look at the pictures or use their own ideas to list the advantages and disadvantages of globalization. 

Advantages/disadvantages of globalization (PDF)

16 DNA testing – vocabulary and speaking worksheet

    This English language academic vocabulary and speaking worksheet can be used to introduce the  topic and vocabulary of DNA testing Students match the vocabulary to the appropriate pictures then try to answer the questions at the bottom.

DNA testing and discussion (PDF)

An English language speaking worksheet for generating discussion about the internet and social trends. Students write the benefits/disadvantages of each issue on the worksheet.

Personal opinions about the internet and social trends (PDF)

 18 Advantages/disadvantages of working for a big company (with answers)

   This is a business English  ESL  exercise to help students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working for a big company.

Advantages and disadvantages of working for a big company (PDF)

 19 Advantages/disadvantages of starting a small business (with answers)

This is a business English ESL exercise to help students discuss the advantages and disadvantages of starting a small business.

Advantages and disadvantages of starting a small business (PDF)

 20 Rise of the robots and automation brainstorming and discussion worksheet (with answers)

This is an exercise to explore the vocabulary and language used to talk about new technology and encourage discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of robots and automation.

Rise of the robots technology brainstorming and writing worksheet.

Rise of the robots (PDF)

Adantanges of automation (PDF)

Disadvantages of automation (PDF)

Other resources

20 Brilliant Business English Speaking and Listening Skills Worksheets

10 Essential Business English Vocabulary Exercises and Worksheets

Job  interview listening/speaking exercises

5 Gerunds and Infinitives Grammar, Speaking and Listening Activities

Passive voice listening/speaking Exercises

Personality listening/speaking activities

Environmental issues listening/speaking

Health vocabulary and speaking listening exercises

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