20th December 2023
Below are some new exercises for introducing and practicing the vocabulary for talking about topics related to the New Year.
Picture and vocabulary matching PDF
Language exercises related to New Year activities PDF
Conversational practice worksheet for talking about the New Year PDF
A critical thinking and discussion worksheet for discussing the New Year PDF
Write a conversation about New Year PDF
New Year resolutions provide a lot of useful language and vocabulary that can form the basis of good vocabulary and discussion lessons. It’s quite a personal topic and gives students a good opportunity to express themselves. This is an English language worksheet for thinking about and brainstorming resolutions for the next year. It is also a good and way to teach the future tense.
New Year’s resolutions 2024 (PDF)
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This is an English language worksheet for thinking about resolutions for the future. Students write down their own resolutions under the appropriate headings. Then they choose their three most important resolutions and set dates/ deadlines for when they want to achieve those resolutions.
Resolutions for the future (PDF)
Future Tense: Plans, Predictions and Schedules (3 exercises)
10 Really Elementary Classroom Icebreakers
7 Essential Speaking Activities for ESL Classes
3 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class
This is an activity for introducing or exploring the vocabulary and language of New Year resolutions. It can used for dictating new language or it can be used as a game by giving students or teams points for guessing/finding the words that match the pictures.
New Year’s resolutions vocabulary and discussions (PDF)
11 Classroom Debate and Discussion Language and Critical Thinking Activities
10 Essential Opinion and Argument Writing Templates and Worksheets
6 ESL Exercises and Worksheets for Talking about Cities
15 Captivating Computing, Technology and Innovation Vocabulary and Language Exercises