Socializing includes many varied and unexpected but common everyday situations which require competent speaking skills. Students of a foreign language have to be prepared to encounter these situations and be ready with appropriate responses. Pictures help give context to these situations and help students imagine how they might respond.
This is a listening/speaking exercise for teaching imperatives used in every day situations.
(see the video version on YouTube)
This is a general socializing language listening/speaking exercise to help English language learners practice expressions and phrases used in everyday conversational encounters. Students can challenge their own speaking skills competency by trying to complete the conversational exchanges on the worksheet and then listening to the audio.
Socializing and speaking skills (PDF)
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This is another socializing language listening/speaking exercise focusing on a business woman’s life.
More short dialogues and speech bubbles for socializing with friends and family speaking skills exercise to help language learners improve their communicative fluency. Students look at the pictures and fill in appropriate questions and answers.
Socializing with friends and family (PDF)
7 Kitchen and Cooking Vocabulary and Expressions
8 Hotel Vocabulary and Speaking Skills Exercises
5 Airport and Airline Vocabulary and Language Skills Exercises with Answers
5 Intercultural Communication Language Exercises and Worksheets
5 Cool Advertising & Branding Vocabulary & Language Exercises
Students learning a foreign language face unexpected but common everyday situations which require socializing skills. This worksheet challenges to find responses to some of these common experiences.
Socializing and common everyday situations (PDF)
ESL Listening Activities Guide
Socializing Speaking Lessons Home
10 Role Play Speaking Activities
11 Classroom Debate and Discussion Language Activities
Another socializing worksheet focusing on common everyday situations and using slightly more advanced vocabulary.
Socializing using more advanced vocabulary (PDF)