Pic Tac Toe game for English language classes

Pic Tac Toe game for English language classes

Click here for the Pic Tac Toe PDF file

This is a great English language icebreaking lesson involving pictures, a game, creative sentence production and a drill to present or contrast verb tenses – excellent for teaching present simple or present continuous.

1. Draw an empty grid 4 by 3 on the board and tell the students to copy it.

2. Then tell them to draw a boy and an ice cream in square 1. If they don’t follow draw it yourself so they get the idea you’re dictating pictures.

3. Have fun with the picture dictation and keep up a fast pace so they don’t linger on details. Keep the descriptions spare:

“square 12, a man, a woman and a heart”.

When the pictures are finished explain the rules of the game.
1. Play a little game of traditional tic tac toe with yourself on the board

2. Explain you’re going to play a variation of tic tac toe where one square is worth 5 points
and a row of 3 is worth a bonus 10

1. All sentences in present simple or target tense.
2. No sentences shorter than 6 words.
3. Sentences must be correct.

Draw an example picture on the board and elicit a correct sentence using present tense( or target tense) i.e. “He plays pinball at the game center everyday”.
-make sure the students understand the connection between the pictures and the
sentences-the best way is by playing a little game with yourself on the board.

Then divide the students into 2, 3 or 4 teams of 4,5 or 6 students. Start walking around the class in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction asking for sentences (this is a spoken exercise..no writing…students must orally present a correct sentence). If a team gets a correct sentence mark it on the board “Tic Tac Toe” style. Play until the whole board is filled up- not until sometime gets “Tic Tac Toe”.

Immediately after the game and before the energy recedes….select a good student and say

“You are present simple”
“I (the teacher) am present continuous”
Systematically start to work your way through the pictures.

Picture 1

Student : “The boy eats an ice cream”
Teacher: “The boy is eating an ice cream”

Picture 2

Student: “He drives his car in the rain”
Teacher: “He is driving his car in the rain”

Click here for the Pic Tac Toe PDF file

9 Super Elementary Speaking Exercises

5 Elementary Create a Conversation Exercises for Speaking Classes

5 Elementary Conversational Expressions Exercises

5 First Day Activities for an ESL Class

10 Really! Elementary ESL classroom icebreakers

7 Essential Speaking Activities for ESL Classes

12 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class

8 Invitation and Request Dialogues for Everyday Scenarios

Listening exercises for English language classes

But however though

Contrast with pictures

But, however, although

1 Brainstorm positives/negatives about places on the board

Blah Blah cinemacleancrowded
Paradise City etc.beautiful templesa lot of pollution

2 Students brainstorm positives/negatives about pictures in pairs or groups

Give every student or every second student a picture (scenic or city pics from the “National Geographic” are best or choose a subject and search on the internet) with a sheet of blank paper attached to the bottom. Students write as many nouns and adjectives as they can in columns on the paper. Rotate the pics a few times.

Example of nouns and adjectives from a picture of mountain scenery: mountains far wild animals pretty etc.

3 Speaking

Model a conversation and perhaps write cues on the board to clarify the use of conjunctions and words for contrast. Also, be careful of noun-adjective confusion.

Write these 4 words on the board:

but     however      though         and

Talk to a student ..hold out the picture.

A: What’s it like?……….however…….

(the student must use the word “however”

in his or her reply)

B: There are a lot of wild animals. However, it’s really pretty.

(finally let the students walk round…….and do the exercise with each other)

8 Excellent ESL Teaching Exercises for Houses and Housing

9 Terrific Transportation, Traveling and Getting Around Language Exercises

6 Complaints and Everyday Annoyances Exercises

Talking numbers, dates, amounts etc worksheet with pictures (PDF)

Numbers, Time, Dates and Months Lessons

Talking numbers

  This is a  elementary exercise  for English language learners to talk about numbers. Students match the words and expressions to the pictures and then ask each other the questions. Click on the image below or the link  to download the PDF file.


Take  have  go: basic collocations
        The teacher dictates the  collocations on Page 2 of the PDF and tell the students to find the appropriate  picture and to write the appropriate phrase on each picture. Dictate the collocations randomly. Allow the students time to search for the correct picture.This is a fun way to start a class and introduce the some basic collocations for  “have”, “take” and “go”. Alternatively, if the students are quite weak scramble the words on the whiteboard. Click on the image of the worksheet below or the link at right to download the PDF file.

Body movement vocabulary (PDF)

Body movement vocabulary

This is an elementary ESL  exercise for practicing  language useful for talking  about body movements.  Students try to complete the sentences with their own ideas.

(download PDF)

     Listening exercises for vocabulary, speaking & grammar

 Coronavirus vocabulary and speaking worksheets (PDF)

3 Public Health and safety vocabulary exercises (PDF)

10 Medical Technology and Health Sciences English Language Exercises

Health and Body Lessons Home

Body Parts Vocabulary Exercises

Public Health and SafetyHome


ESL Exercises and Worksheets for Talking about Cities

Talking about cities is a nice topic for an upper elementary discussion class. All students can relate to this topic  so it’s relatively easy to brainstorm vocabulary and opinions. City related images in the ESL worksheets play an important role in engaging  the students.

1 Cities: advantages/disadvantages conversation

Talking about the advantages and disadvantages of cities is a popular way for teaching more advanced countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

(download PDF)

(see the video on YouTube)

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2 Expressing opinions about cities

This is a vocabulary and discussion exercise for talking about cities.

(download PDF)

3 Talking about cities (lower elementary – with answers)

Students match the vocabulary to the appropriate pictures.Then they ask each other questions about cities using the questions at the bottom of the page.

Talking about  cities (PDF)

 4 Cities – the good & the bad (with answers)

This is a discussion worksheet for giving opinions about cities. Students need to think about positives and negatives of aspects of city living.

Cities: the good and bad

5 Urban complaints speaking activity

An elementary  brainstorming and speaking activity to help students discuss cities and urban areas.

Urban complaints (PDF)

8 Excellent ESL Teaching Exercises for Houses and Housing

9 Terrific Transportation, Traveling and Getting Around Language Exercises

6 Complaints and Everyday Annoyances Exercises

6 The City: opinions

Students think of city related topics they’d like to speak about and fill in  the topics in the lefthand column. Then then write their own opinions about each topic. Finally, they ask a partner for his or her opinions.

Cities: giving opinions (PDF)

7 Urban lifestyle choices speaking lesson

This is an ESL speaking and writing lesson for talking about lifestyle choices.. First, students interview a partner using the questions below the pictures. Then, they write a short report about their partner’s lifestyle choices.

Urban lifestyles choices  questionnaire (PDF)

8 Advantages/disadvantages of living in the city

A kind of brainstorming exercise. Students look at the pictures or use their own ideas to list the advantages and disadvantages of living in the city.

Advantages/disadvantages of living in the city (PDF)

10 Role Play Speaking Activities

11 Classroom Debate and Discussion Language Activities

5 Complaints and Annoyances Language and Speaking Activities

5 First Day of Class Activities

3 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class

8 Invitation and Request Dialogues for Everyday Scenarios


Talking about trends, fashions and hobbies

This is an elementary ESL speaking exercise for talking  about  trends, fashions and hobbies. . Students try to think of positives and negatives for the trend, fashion or hobby in each picture.  Then they can discuss each picture using the questions at the bottom of the page as a guide.

(download PDF)

2 Music and Songs Speaking Activities

10 Role Play Speaking Activities

11 Classroom Debate and Discussion Language Activities

5 Complaints and Annoyances Language and Speaking Activities

5 First Day of Class Activities

3 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class

8 Invitation and Request Dialogues for Everyday Scenarios


Jobs and Careers Exercises and Worksheets

Jobs for Business

  This is a  elementary exercise  for English language learners to talk
in basic terms about some common jobs. Students match the words and expressions to the pictures and then have short conversations. Click on the image below or the link  of the page to download the PDF file.