Super Elementary Speaking Activities

Speaking Activities for Really Elementary ESL Classes

Super elementary speaking activities are a really good way to get students speaking at a low level. They have to be designed so they are easy to explain and understand. If an  activity works, the class is much more entertaining, fun and helps students get over their reticence to speak English.

1 Daily Activities Speaking Activity

This is one of the most basic speaking activities to get students practicing with the verb “to do”. Students ask other students about their daily activities.

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Daily activities classroom speaking activity.

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2 Do you….”So do I” and “Neither do I”

Another exercise to get students speaking a little bit. And it also introduces them to negative and positive agreement.

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Speaking activity with "so so I" and "neither do I"

3 Elementary Job Suitability Interview

This is a great way of familiarizing students with some useful adjectives in a personalized way. Students have to interview their partner and then match their personal preferences with a suitable job.

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Elementary job interview

4 Roommate Interview

This is similar to the exercise above but it is using the verb “to be” and further expands students knowledge of adjectives. It’s also a really personal and quite funny exercise as students have to asses their partners/friends as possible roommates.

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Roommate interview speaking activity for elementary ESL classses

9 Super Elementary Speaking Exercises

14 Create a Conversation Exercises for Speaking Classes

5 Elementary Conversational Expressions  and Listening Exercises

5 First Day Activities for an ESL Class

10 Really! Elementary ESL classroom icebreakers

7 Essential Speaking Activities for ESL Classes

12 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class

8 Invitation and Request Dialogues for Everyday Scenarios

5 Personality Adjective Survey

This is a bit more advanced than the two exercises above. It also focuses on adjectives It can be really successful in a talkative class. The adjective list can be greatly expanded on if the students are up to it. Sometimes I have assigned each student or a pair of students an adjective and found this a way of getting a great variety of questions and talking going on in the classroom.

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Elementary personality adjective speaking activity

6 Shopping Speaking Activity

Shopping is a great topic for any elementary English language lesson. This is a simple way to get some speaking done and getting students to practice using the verb “do”.

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Elementary shopping speaking activity

7 Talking Shopping

This is a little more advanced and a little more interesting than the exercise above. It explores shopping vocabulary in a matching exercises and the students create short conversations.

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Elementary shopping vocabulary and conversation activity

8 Movie Brainstorm and Speaking

Movies usually (in my experience) get students motivated. Students have to match movie genres to the pictures and then think of movie titles for each genre. Then they can ask their partners the questions at the bottom of the page.

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Movie brainstorm & speaking activity for ESL classes

9 Music Brainstorm and Speaking

This exercise explores genres of music and asks students about their musical preferences. Similar to the speaking activity above, it is a great way to start off a class.

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Elementary music brainstorm & speaking

ESL classroom or online icebreakers

23 Really! Practical ESL Classroom or Online Teaching Icebreakers

Updated:  January 20th 2024

If you are teaching an ESL language class… the classroom or online …it pays to have a good set of icebreakers ready to go ! Just having something ready to go can make all the difference when you walk into a classroom ( sometimes I’m really blank…and it’s actually me that needs the icebreaker!). Or online, having an engaging, accessible way into a topic is essential.

1 Making decisions

If you are teaching language for deciding and choosing, this is a nice way to start.

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2 Gerund brainstorm

This is a good way to get into a discussion about gerunds.

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3  Icebreaker: brainstorming meanings/examples/situations

Another good icebreaker technique is to brainstorm aspects (good, bad etc.) of a particular topic. My topic here  is “taking risks”. So I tried to brainstorm many  kinds of risks. This is a  good icebreaker for adjectives and/or vocabulary associated with safety and danger. (see page 2 for example answers) This exercise can be adapted for any level and could be used 2 or 3 times  a term before it comes boring (I think!?).

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4  Job and career icebreaker/brainstorm

This brainstorm exercise can also be done as  preparation  for a job interview speaking activity.

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5  Humor icebreaker

There probably couldn’t be a much easier way to start a class than brainstorming things that make you laugh!

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6   Are you honest?

An almost failproof icebreaker is the survey. Surveys that relate to students’ personal  lives easily engage their attention. It works as a comprehension and short discussion exercise. It’s a great way to introduce topics that relate to honesty.

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7  Ranking icebreaker: 

What would you do if you won one million dollars?”

Ranking icebreakers are a surefire way to engage students. They can be used for a whole range of topics. One good topic is  money and spending preferences.

Ranking icebreaker for an ESL class.

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8  Ranking icebreaker: 


Another  good  ranking topic is ways to be successful.

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8 Essential brainstorming techniques

15 Classroom Debate and Discussion Language and Critical Thinking Activities

10 Essential Opinion and Argument Writing Templates and Worksheets

6 ESL Exercises and Worksheets for Talking about Cities

15 Captivating Computing, Technology and Innovation Vocabulary and Language Exercises

9  First impressions icebreaker (for adjectives or past tense)

This is a fun icebreaker than can be applied to certain topics: describing people, branding (business), the past tense adjectives etc.

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10  Brainstorming advertising likes/dislikes

This doesn’t look like much but it’s cool! Students’ these days have strong opinions about online advertising and will come up with lots of examples (see the second page of PDF for a sample of student answers).

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11  Social responsibilities icebreaker (and a student’s answers)

This is a good icebreaker for more advanced students studying social issues. The example shows how it challenges their knowledge of vocabulary.

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12 First day icebreaker: personal information

“Getting to Know You” is a pretty obvious idea. It’s a personal information exercise and allows the teacher to assess the student’s abilities. The only trouble I’ve had with this exercise is matching the questions to the student’s level of ability. The questions below seem to me to be suitably generic and have worked flawlessly in any elementary class I’ve taught so far (Thai students, Chinese students).

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13 Brainstorming verbs and basic collocations: icebreaker for present simple and routines

This is another exercise that can be used with a variety of present simple exercises. I can be used to elicit language for making present simple questions or talking about routines. It helps to give the teacher a idea of the range of the students’ vocabulary. And it’s a useful way to get some vocabulary on the board for question writing activities.

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14 What do you do on Mondays ?: icebreaker for parts of the day/days of the week

This exercise is another great exercise for really elementary students that doesn’t demand too much of them. It’s a good way to get into teaching the days of the week and prepositions.

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15 Everyday brainstorm: icebreaker daily activities and routines

This brainstorm activity explores vocabulary associated with routines and time. I walk around the class asking students “What do you do everyday in the morning?” , “What do you do once a week?” etc. It’s a nice, friendly way to start a class.

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16 Circle of frequency: icebreaker for adverbs of frequency

Following on from the previous exercise, this icebreaker can be used used to introduce and familiarize students with verbs adverbs of frequency. You might ask students questions like “What do you sometimes eat at a department store?” or “What do you often do on weekends?”.

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17 Pictures icebreaker: icebreaker for present continuous, routines and daily activities

For me, activities using pictures are perhaps the most consistently successful of anything I do in the classroom. They can be used in so many ways. They force students to think and use their imaginations. And they are open to interpretation which can often lead to unexpected discoveries about meaning or culture or individual differences.

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18 Shopping brainstorm word map: icebreaker for talking about shopping

Shopping is a pretty fundamental topic in elementary textbooks. And it’s pretty easy to get students engaged and bring out some vocabulary with the exercise below.

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9 Super Elementary Speaking Exercises

5 Elementary Create a Conversation Exercises for Speaking Classes

5 Elementary Conversational Expressions Exercises

5 First Day Activities for an ESL Class

10 Really! Elementary ESL classroom icebreakers

7 Essential Speaking Activities for ESL Classes

12 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class

8 Invitation and Request Dialogues for Everyday Scenarios

19 Types of food: sorting icebreaker for introducing the topic of food

Sorting icebreakers work well for many topics. This is the  most elementary and popular icebreaker for introducing the topic of food.

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20 House and furniture: icebreaker for discussing where you live/your house

Some icebreakers are so simple you might feel a fool for not having thought of them before. I certainly have. Brainstorming things…furniture …items…adjectives ..etc that might be used for parts of the house. What a no-brainer! But I didn’t think of it for 30 years of teaching. Icebreakers like this are great for setting up question writing exercises. Once the board is full of vocabulary, you can give a couple example questions, “What kind of furniture do you have in your living room?/ Do you have a big bed?/ Do you have a microwave in your kitchen etc…..” and ask students to create their own questions around the vocabulary.

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21 Kinds of jobs brainstorm and icebreaker

Another really straightforward and easy brainstorm is a jobs brainstorm. This works with pretty much any level as even the most elementary students can name jobs. A really, really easy way to start a class.

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22 Colors and their meanings

Brainstorming about colors is an easy icebreakerl. You could almost use this icebreaker anytime but perhaps it could be good for introducing adjectives or for topics like fashion and advertising.

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23 Brainstorming places around town

Another useful and east brainstorming and icebreaking activity is brainstorming places around town. Like “Colors” this exercise is painless and usually fun and often leads you down some interesting paths.

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24 Brainstorming for tourism, travel and culture

This one is interesting and fun.

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Elementary conversational expressions and listening exercises

6 Elementary Conversational Expressions and Listening Exercises

Matching elementary and common conversational expressions and phrases  to pictures is a great way of teaching students by giving visual context to language and vocabulary. Audio files are now being added to provide context and useful listening practice .

1 Elementary expressions for going out & socializing (with answers and audio)

This is another listening and vocabulary worksheet focusing on language used when people go out shopping and socializing. The instructions are the same as the exercise above.

Speaking expressions exercise and worksheet for going out shopping and socializing.

Going out and socializing (PDF)

(YouTube video)

Elementary expressions for going out & socializing

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2 Elementary  greeting, introductions and common expressions  listening and vocabulary exercise (with answers and audio)

This is a great exercise for a really elementary class. It’s a listening and vocabulary  activity.  First, the students listen to the audio and write the correct letter on each picture. They audio should be played in a repeated loop until the students get  a grasp of the task. Then, as a review and to reinforce the vocabulary, the students write the matching expressions below the pictures. Of course, it’s also possible to the vocabulary matching first and the listening second.

Elementary expressions, language and vocabulary pictures matching exercise

(Conversational expressions PDF)

Elementary  greeting, introductions and common expressions 

3 Another  elementary  greeting introductions listening/speaking and vocabulary exercise (with answers and audio)

greeting-introductions-listening/speaking and vocabulary-worksheet

(Greetings/introductions PDF)

Another  elementary  greeting introductions listening

4 Common expressions for everyday socializing/living (with audio and answers)

Another slightly more advanced exercise exploring the language students might encounter in everyday social interactions.

Common socializing expressions for daily living vocabulary/picture matching exercise.

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Common expressions for everyday socializing/everyday living

5 Elementary expressions for eating and talking about food (with audio and answers)

And here is some essential language used when people are eating, talking about food or going to restaurants.  First, listen to the audio and match the items. Then, listen again (and again) and match the vocabulary to the pictures.

Language and speaking activity for using common expressions to talk about food and eating.

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Elementary expressions for eating and talking about food

9 Super Elementary Speaking Exercises

5 Elementary Create a Conversation Exercises for Speaking Classes

5 Elementary Conversational Expressions Exercises

5 First Day Activities for an ESL Class

10 Really! Elementary ESL classroom icebreakers

7 Essential Speaking Activities for ESL Classes

3 Great Icebreakers to Start a Class

8 Invitation and Request Dialogues for Everyday Scenarios

ESL Listening Activities Guide

 6 More expressions for talking to and about people (with answers)

This exercise focuses a little more on fashion and describing people.

Vocabulary and picture matching exercise for t describing people in everyday situations.

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